About Us

The unique quality of China Post #1 is reflected in the character of its membership.  In addition to meeting the qualifications established by the National Constitution of the American Legion and the eligibility incorporated therein by Acts of Congress, China Post #1 members are usually further distinguished by the character of their service. Post members generally have had a significant career in active service, a meritorious period of duty or of acts while in service, or they have civilian careers or professions after honorable service working in, or in support of operations in the international community.

The Generals Ward and Chennault and Lt. Helseth Post of the American Legion, DBA: China Post #1, has been operating in exile from its home in Shanghai, China since 1948 and is at present administratively attached to the American Legion Department of France. China Post #1 is incorporated as an American Legion Post in the State of Texas as an IRS code 501 ( c ) (19) tax exempt corporation.

China Post #1 was formed in Shanghai, China in 1919 and went into exile in 1938 when Japanese forces overran Shanghai preceding the official entry of the United States into WW II. The Post reopened in 1945 in Shanghai after the defeat of Japan, but was forced into exile again when Communist forces took control of Shanghai in 1948 and confiscated the Post Home, “The American Club” and its property. China Post #1 is unique among the kinds of Posts within the American Legion. The Post has within its membership an Auxiliary of the Legion and a Sons of the American Legion Squadron.

All applications for membership must be made on the China Post #1 application form and they must have a current member as a sponsor. Transfers of memberships are only accepted on an individual basis and cannot be assigned from any source. Any membership request must be made through the China Post #1 Adjutants office on the Post’s application form or through a current member.