Legacy Run Fund

The 2025 American Legion Legacy Run is one of the longest, largest organized rides in the country. Over 290 motorcycles and 400 participants will join in comradeship this year as they trek 1,100 miles from the Mid East Coast to Tampa Fla. Over its 18-year history, The American Legion Riders have raised more than 17 million dollars. Money that provides the funds necessary to attend a college or university. Moving forward the ride will support the BE THE ONE CAMPAIGN and the Foundation of Hope program.

This year our goal is to raise 1.5 million dollars. Help us reach our goal by donating today. You can donate online, or you can mail in a donation to the address below. promoting the Be the One campaign that brings awareness to veteran suicide and removes the stigma of asking for help and providing help to a veteran in need. Thank you for your help and support.

The program will destigmatize asking for mental health support, provide peer-to-peer support and resources, and educate everyone on how they can Be the One.

 Why is this a priority right now? 
Today, the No. 1 issue facing the veteran community is suicide, according to the National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report. It is estimated that between 17 and 22 veterans or servicemembers take their lives each day. That’s more than 6,000 annually. The rate of suicide for veterans is more than 50% higher than that of non-veteran adults. As the Global War on Terrorism continues, there will be more veterans facing mental-health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder. 

What will Be the One achieve? 
At its core, The American Legion is activating a national platform to reduce the rate of veteran suicide. The Be the One campaign will: 

  • Destigmatize asking for mental health support, creating opportunity for those with mental health issues to speak freely and get the support they need. 
  • Provide peer-to-peer support and resources in local communities. 
  • Deploy FDA-approved therapeutics for veterans to identify issues and find resources for support. 

Mail Donations to:

China Post 1 American Legion
4015 Montecristo Lane
Sanger Texas 76266

First 100 People who donate $ 30.00 or more will be allowed to pick from one of 3 color moisture wick shirts they come in yellow, white or Red, Please make sure we know your size and thank you for your donation.

China Post 1 Donations


For the Legacy Run Fund shirt promotion, please email a copy of your receipt along with shirt color and size to Director@chinapost1alr.org