Links and Associations
Members only renewal: Your annual dues help support programs in your community and across the nation. American Legion programs and services include: Troop Support, Child Welfare Foundation, Heroes to Hometowns, American Legion Baseball, Department Service Officers, Family Support Network, Flag Advocacy & Etiquette, Junior ROTC & ROTC, Operation Comfort Warriors, Scholarships, Veterans Job Fairs, and many others. Thank you for ensuring that The American Legion remains the most powerful voice in America on behalf of veterans, service members, their families, and communities across the nation.
SFA The Special Forces Association Serves as the Voice for the Special Forces Community; Perpetuates Special Forces Traditions and Brotherhood; Advances the Public Image of Special Forces and Promotes the General Welfare of the Special Forces Community
SOA The SOA, established in December 1977 is a Veteran’s fraternal organization of past and present American and Allied military special operations in a combat environment. The group includes veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, the Balkans, Somalia as well as those from our most recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Membership is limited to Free World forces who supported or personally participated in missions deep inside hostile territory in a combat capacity.
Ravens During the course of American history, there have been many covert military operations. None, however, reached the scope or intensity of the war in Laos during the Viet Nam era. The backbone of this war were the Ravens-Forward Air Controllers (FACs) who flew small, slow propeller driven airplanes. The mission of the Ravens was to support indigenous forces in Laos in their fight against invading forces from North Vietnam.
Air Commando Assoc. The Air Commando Association was founded in 1969 by Brigadier General Robert Cardenas and then Colonel Harry ‘Heinie”Aderholt as an organization for retired and active duty Special Operations Forces personnel. The Association membership originally was composed of mainly active duty people.
Global Special Operations Foundation – The Global SOF Foundation (GSF) is the only professional association for the special operations community with members from over 50 countries. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, incorporated in the State of Florida, that advocates for all aspects of Special Operations Forces development, employment, and sustainment in the fight to defeat globally networked threats. The GSF leads an international effort to increase understanding of Special Operations; advance SOF capabilities; and responsibly promote the role of Special Operations by strategically linking public and private sector initiatives.
Rangers The US Army Ranger Association, Inc., (USARA),
Air America Air America’s tenure in Asia began when Civil Air Transport (CAT) crossed the river into Shanghai in 1946. It ended on a rooftop in downtown Saigon in 1975. First in, last out. That was CAT and Air America in China, Korea and in Southeast Asia. The Air America Association is composed of former employees of CAT, Air America, their families and their affiliates.
TLC Brotherhood – (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia) – Our organization is dedicated to the valiant members of all service branches who served in this theater before, during and after the Vietnam War. Your service and sacrifice made more of a difference than you will ever know. Read about China Post 1 efforts.
OSS Society – Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Society honors the historic accomplishments of the OSS during World War II, the first organized effort by the United States to implement a centralized system of strategic intelligence and the predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Special Operations Command. It educates the American public regarding the continuing importance of strategic intelligence and special operations to the preservation of freedom in this country and around the world.
Long Range Reconnaissance Association – Members of Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP), Long Range Patrol (LRP), and Long Range Surveillance (LRS) teams share a common bond, that of being the eyes and ears of the Commander.
Tan Son Nhut Association – The Tan Son Nhut Association has been established to respect all of the service personnel from the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard, as well as the many civilians, who served at any time during the Vietnam conflict at the great airdrome at Tan Son Nhut, Air Base, Saigon, Republic of Vietnam.