Father Matt Menger


Left to right Craig Duehring, Terri Duehring, Father Menger, Kay Stickney

Folks, It is with heavy heart that I inform you of the passing of Father Matt Menger, OMI. Father Bouchard just called us a few minutes ago and told us the sad news. I knew Father Menger in Vientiane and then renewed the friendship a few years ago when I learned that he was living at the Oblate Retirement Center in San Antonio. Our annual reunions at Randolph AFB provided Terri and me with the opportunity to make several visits to see him these past years – to include attending Mass and having lunch with him. He and I last spoke just a couple of weeks ago when he told me that his leukemia had become quite aggressive and that he was confined to his wheel chair. If you want to learn about his life in Laos, read his books: In The Valley of The Mekong and Slowly Rises the Sun.